To Interactive Knightmare (IKM) a web-site created as a home to various wholesome Knightmare related fun & games. Featuring:
- Knightmare Chat (IRC - Chat Room)
- The Caption Competition
- Knightmare Lexicon
- Ali E's Dark Talisman & The Challenge
- The Community RPG - On Hold
- Anthony Thompsons - Choose Your Own Knightmare Adventure
- Liam Callaghan's - Knightmare: The Ultimate Quest
- Random Opinion Polls
Interactive Knightmare Knews 
- Yes, Dungeon Master
- A new Knightmare Radio Amateur Drama has now been officially released, titled Yes, Dungeon Master. The production was once again spear headed by Martin Odoni. Click here to learn more and listen to the show, if you enjoyed Yes, Prime Minister or previous Knightmare Audio Plays there's something for you here.
- Mon 7th Sep, 2009
- Knightmare DVD Release
- Plans are afoot for an official release of Knightmare on DVD. The topic is currently being discussed on the Knightmare forums. If you have any interest in seeing Knightmare released on DVD, you are greatly encouraged to post on the forums and notify all your friends. The release will only happen if sufficient interest is generated.You can see the thread here:
- Thu 20th Aug, 2009
- Trip to Wales
- Initial plans are being made for a KM trip to Wales. The potential date is 25th August 07. Currently being examined is the possibility of staying in either YHA accomodation or at a static caravan park. It would be for 5 nights and at an estimated cost of £17.50 per night. The plan is to tour around Wales visiting various historic places and castles so it's an ideal treat for any History buffs or fans of Knightmare style architecture. At the moment all that's being asked for is a show of hands of who is interested on going on this trip, there's no obligation yet. So please e-mail if you'd like to go or want more details. Please check your availability first before getting in touch though. This trip is open to all Knightmare Fans and their Friends & Family.
- Wed 30th May, 2007
- Knightmare Radio Amateur Drama
- The eagerly awaited Knightmare Radio Amateur Drama has now been officially released, titled Famous for Retreating. The production was spear headed by Martin Odoni a.k.a HStorm and is a resounding success. Click here to learn more and listen to the show, there's some remarkable voice talent involved and a truly engrossing story. You will not be disappointed, that is if you dare listen in the first place!
- Mon 6th Nov, 2006
- New URL
- This web-site now has a new URL Also if you're a registered IKM user then you can get an e-mail account or forwarder setup for free. Simply e-mail me with your IKM login name (not the password) and I'll set one up for you. Please state if you would like an actual mailbox or if you would like mail forwarded to an existing e-mail account.
- Wed 13th Sep, 2006
- Beg Billy
- Back in the good ol' days there was a web-site called Neils Knightmare trading post which was buzzing hive of Knightmare fan contributions and trading stuffs. One popular feature that many old folk remember is that of "Ask Alex". Resident Alex would attempt to fend off the numerous questions posed to him by fans putting his vast Knightmare knowledge to the test. Many of his responses were considerably amusing as they had a unique blend of truth and humour. Well many years have passed and so steps forth a new hero in this hommage and reincarnation in the form of "Beg Billy". May it bring back the light that was once lost.
- Mon 17th Jul, 2006