
Name Description IRC handle
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Owner of Interactive Knightmare. Forester usually adds things to the site when he's able to get out of doing real work. He's currently handing over control of various things to more active members of the community. Forester
Nicholas Creator of the best damn Knightmare tribute site ever! If you have any enquiries about or Knightmare itself, he is the man to ask. If you wish to you may also kiss Nic's feet as a form of praise, or just buy a Knightmare mug. Illusion
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Chat room operator. Pooka's currently stationed in London, the cradle of civilisation, and is so devoted to the Knightmare chat room it's scary. By "devoted," we of course mean, "he pops in whenever he can be bothered, reminds people he runs the place and then leaves."
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Probably a familiar name to those using the Knightmare forums, Billy joined the IKM team to assist newcomers and regulars alike with their ever growing demands of love and attention. Don't you people ever stop? Billy
Alan Alan appeared in Knightmare season 8 and his team actually won! Alan then sold his Frightknight trophy for around £2m and wasted 6 years on a pub crawl. He signed into rehab and after Pooka, a nurse, healed him of all the alcohol poisoning, he decided to take over the administration of for Illusion. So much power for one so young... Mystara