![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/www.knightmare.com/series/4/23.jpg)
Elves are perhaps the most famous creatures of fantasy (unless, of course, you count humans). Tall, thin, athletic creatures with their own brand of magic (often a very powerful one), it's a good thing that some of them are on 'our' side!
Rather than going into all the various elf races, I'll restrict myself to talking about the races we saw in
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/www.knightmare.com/series/3/14.jpg)
The first elf we saw was
Velda from Series 3. She described herself as a warrior elf (which isn't really an Elvish race; lots of them are warriors), so we would be in a bit of a bind to decide what she was, if the puzzle wasn't solved by
Treguard; during the
dungeoneers' first encounter with
Velda, he revealed: "this... lady is a wood elf!"
One, therefore, has to wonder what Velda was doing in the
Dungeon, if she was a wood elf. Maybe she got lost on the way to
Dunkley Wood and ended up in Anglia Television Studios instead. Or maybe not. Anyway, Velda never actually used any Elvish magic, but she did seem to be quite deadly with weapons, and rather paranoid of humans. I'll let her off for that.
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/www.knightmare.com/series/5/46.jpg)
The next elf we saw was
Pickle, who merely appeared in Tregard's
antechamber in
Series 4, and vanished from Knightmare Castle after
Series 6.
Treguard briefly introduced him, however, describing him as "not really one of them... but not exactly one of us. Human, I mean." Right, well, thanks for clarifying that, Treguard.
This mystifying sentence appears to suggest that
Pickle was not a full elf. He could well have been a half-elf, but that's unlikely. All his manners and traits were purely Elvish, he knew a lot about
Dunkley Wood, and used some very elf-like exclamations like "Rook and fen!" at regular intervals. Let's face it, Pickle made for the most convincing wood elf in the original
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/www.knightmare.com/series/6/54.jpg)
The next elf in line was
Elita, who like
Velda was
neutral, but appeared to be slighty disposed towards the Powers That Be. She also knew
Pickle personally. Elita was a cavern elf, which explains quite a few things, namely: why she was seen in the
Dungeon, rather than in the surrounding woods; why she made it into
Level 3 on occasions; her love of treasure; her knowing of
She also never used any Elvish magic, although she did give out magic, and seemed more concerned with drawing complex patterns on the floor in chalk, which looks more like a séance or a divination to me.
Those three were the only elves we saw in the original
Knightmare, but
KM's legacy has carried the noble race on.
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/pooka.ezri.mine.nu/zeug/kully.PNG)
Kulaemii, or
Kully as she prefers to be called, first appeared in the word of fanfics, and made an appearance in the Knightmare RPG during RPG
Season 5. Like
Pickle, she appears to be a wood elf, and also assists
Treguard. There are rumours abound, however, that she is not a full elf, maybe even
Pickle's sister (which would explain a few things). She also might be the illicit daughter of King Tharadus.
Kully's main problem came about in RPG Series 6 with the appearance of
Knightmare's first dark elf (or drow). Because she lacks the necessary pointed ears, Saié may well have also been a half-elf, which actually brings the total of true elves in
Knightmare down to four out of seven.
Saié, like
Velda and Elita, was neutral, but posed much more of a threat to
dungeoneers than any other elf did. She also hated
Kully, for more personal reasons than the usual drow/wood enmity.
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/ikm.ezri.mine.nu/RPG/season7/photos/profiles/37.jpg)
By RPG Season 7, both
Kully and
Saié were gone, but the Elvish race continued with the appearance of Isilme Tindómerel. Although her appearance evoked a wood elf, Isilme was a wild elf. Okay, so there's not much of a difference there, but Isilme was more chaotic than any other of the elves we've seen so far. In her own words: "A child of the Forest, I wish only for peace and the majestic green. Cross me and I shall tear you to pieces..."
Kully was played by Emii, Saié by Anna, and Isilme by Lucy.
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/www.bothersbar.co.uk/IMAGES/knightmarepilot/iceelf2.JPG)
And finally,
KMVR introduced a new elf to
Knightmare's ranks!
Ellie appeared in the KMVR pilot, and immediately started being haughty, offish, and shunning iron (it's deadly to elves), not making the
dungeoneer Arthur a welcome guest. Still, he freed her from
Despair's ice trap. See the entry on
Ellie for more information.
To sum up:
* Elves are great.
* There have been seven elves in
Knightmare so far:
Saié, Isilme and
* It's unknown where they all are at the moment, but elves are meant to be immortal (Pickle is allegedly 356, and Isilme 714), so they may all make a return!
For more information on this race, read Lord of the Rings.
Provided By:
Pooka, 2005-11-14 14:52:31