Nickname of the
maid Mellisandre. The spelling appears on her
Knightmare Top Trumps card as provided in
The Quest.
Mellie is an astonishing eight syllables shorter than her full name of Mellisandre
Makepeace Perhappenstance. This is almost as astonishing as the sonorous coincidence of Melly finding herself employed alongside
Molly and
Milly at the
Crazed Heifer.
Just as this sobriquet gave rise to the less complimentary nickname 'Smelly Melly', it's possible that
Aesandre became known as 'icy knickers' through shortening her name to 'Aesy'. But I digress.
[Previous version: 2005-05-18 05:06:37]
Provided By:
David, 2019-03-10 13:53:29