Welcome to the Knightmare Lexicon. This system
is designed to be a centre point for any
Knightmare related information. You may think of
it as a Knightmare Encyclopædia or Dictionary.
Though in many ways it is more like a Knightmare
wiki in that people
with an interest in Knightmare like yourself
may add entries to the database for others
to find. Likewise if there's a piece of information
you're looking for on Knightmare then in thef
future it's very likely you'll be able to find
it here. For the system to be a success it relies
on each and every member of the community
providing as much information as possible. Enjoy!
Entry of the Day - Homer
1. Homer
Of the three potions that Team 7 of Series 7 found in the Level 3 clue area, Homer was the one that was left behind. The second line of the accompanying clue scroll, 'hot and slow', seemed to point to Freezer and Fast Backwards instead.