Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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 [Related Image] A spell earned from Merlin by Team 2 of Series 3. DANCE was cast when Cliff the dungeoneer was confronted by McGrew, making the Scotsman jig involuntarily. McGrew pleaded for mercy, but the team fled the room without dispelling DANCE. This meant that McGrew wasn't present to help the team reach Level 3, and they perished on Level 2.
A clip of the DANCE spell being cast was made available on the ITV Children's Classics YouTube channel in 2014.

[Earlier version: 2005-04-01 01:34:28]

Provided By: David, 2018-07-14 21:26:35
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Characters and contestants seen dancing on Knightmare included:

Merlin (demonstrating the DANCE spell)
McGrew (under the DANCE spell)
Leo (dungeoneer of Team 4 of Series 3; see: step)
Skarkill (see: panpipes)

Members of the Opposition (including Sylvester Hands) are seen singing and dancing in the Knightmare Series 8 out-takes video, in which Lord Fear leads them in a rendition of Christmas song Jingle Bells.

In a 2004 interview by Kieran O'Brien for, Knightmare creator Tim Child revealed that 'the goblins were played by a couple of Norwich-based girl dancers who became good friends with the regular cast. They also played random maids/cavernwights, mermen [miremen], etc.'

One of those dancers, Janet Lock, visited the Knightmare Convention which also featured a dancefloor with DJing by Nintendisco.

Provided By: David, 2022-08-28 20:04:28
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