![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/img.photobucket.com/albums/v132/aristophains/lexicon/lex4ref.jpg)
On the
Level 2 clue table,
Team 1 of Series 4 found what appeared to be a brooch.
Gundrada put them straight:
"Oh don't you know anything, that's not a brooch, it's a reflector. You can't ... barter with it, but it's jolleh useful for finding elf paths. I don't need one, course, 'cause I've got eyes."
team duly decided to take the reflector. Later, when
dungeoneer Helen found herself lost in
Dunkley Wood, she held up the reflector, causing a shimmering pink patch to appear in the eyeshield's view.
The team then located an elf portal, allowing them to progress.
passive paths
Provided By:
David, 2007-11-22 17:40:17