![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/interactive.knightmare.org.uk/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/img.photobucket.com/albums/v132/aristophains/lexicon/lex7starstone.jpg)
potion bottle labelled as Stonepower was found on a barrel by
Team 3 of Series 7. Alongside it were three similar-looking phials -
Goblin Juice and
Starclimb - and a clue
scroll that read: 'Juice for a goblin; Stone for a hard heart'. Distrustful of the scroll's allusion to Stonepower, the
team chose not to pick it up.
Perhaps the potion was indeed a trick, and would have affected
dungeoneer Alex, had he imbibed it, in the same way as a
Medusa eye would have. Or maybe it was a cleaning fluid for bongs. We'll never know,
but it's probably not worth losing
sleep over.
[Earlier version: 2006-03-28 18:16:38]
Provided By:
David, 2018-10-04 17:54:06