Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Quester
The equivalent in AegisQuest to the dungeoneer in Knightmare. The AQ website explains that the quester is 'the person being guided' and 'is unable to see where they are navigating and must be guided a step at a time' by teammates who can better see the quester's surroundings. A sample of the restricted 'quester view', as shown on the website, is also pictured here.

 [Related Image]

The Quester first seen and heard in the Aegis Quest pilot was played by Keith McDonald a.k.a. KaM, formerly RedMage (See: Hordriss), who described playing the role as 'a completely new experience'. Initially disorientated by his arrival in the AQ Dungeon, the unnamed man eschews shelter in favour of a quest to find a way home, during which he encounters Ward, Nak, Maraki and Haka. The Second Quester was played by (David) Forester.

Provided By: David, 2012-06-28 17:49:31
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