Dungeon Master within Knightmare. Although he only appeared to behave like a typical
Dungeon Master during the first 4
seasons. For this reason it is unknown as to if he actually had any control over the events in the
dungeon as a
dungeon master in a typical RPG would. Treguard even used personification whilst mentioning it adding to the sense the
dungeon might even be its own entity. Once the concept of the opposition was established his role became more that akin to a leader, in this case the leader of the powers that be. Treguard was essentially the host of the game to the viewers whom he would invite to watch in on the action temporarily
breaking the fourth wall in order to communicate the most recent events and say farewell.
Treguard's origins or purposes were never truly defined early on and his sole wish was to obtain the quest objects. He did this through bringing young teams from the real world into the
antechamber in which he resided. The team would then send forth a
dungeoneer into the
dungeon guided by the remaining
team mates, better known as the advisors.
Treguard's primary function within the game was to assist the teams during their quest through general advice and common sense. Before his change into the kinder fellow seen later on he would on occassion laugh at the teams for their pitifull attempts. When teams failed in their quest he would rescuse their
dungeoneer and
spell-cast "
DISMISS" in order to reunite them and send them on their way home. If a
team managed success then he'd usually cast "
HEROES" the process was similar except the
team was given a reward for their success. Another spell he has used when the
dungeon has begun to prepare the next phase (end of season) is "
UNITE" although the teams were treated differently depending upon the particular season.
Knightmare's earlier Seasons before the introduction of The Opposition Treguard's alliengece was never truly known. At times he could appear to be rather uncaring towards the teams that were sent forth into the
![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/
Once he gained an assistant
Pickle in Season 4 and then a new form of bad guy in the way of
Lord Fear it became more established that he was the leader of the Powers That Be within the
dungeon and his sole purpose was to try and defeat
Lord Fear.
At the dawn of Season 7
Pickle ran away leaving in his place
Majida though as to which is the better assistant is a hotly debated topic.
Treguard was played by
Hugo Myatt for the entire duration of
Knightmare's run and makes an appearance in
KMVR though only as a head giving the
dungeoneer and assistant a little bit of advice.
Of all the memorable things about
Knightmare Treguard is perhaps the 2nd most especially with his eye popping facial expressions and well known phrases like "
Ooooooh Naaasty!". He is 2nd only to the
Helmet of Justice which is perhaps so well known for it's rather distinguishing appearance.
Treguard's appearance was also subject to change throughout the Seasons of
Knightmare the picture here depicts how he appeared during the original Season and the picture with him alongside
Pickle is an example of how he typically appeared during the mid-stages of
Knightmare. His costume and appearance changed noticably again when he was joined by
Majida for Season 7.
The role of Treguard is one that the RPG group has also maintained within the productions and is played by Kieran. Further information on this incarnation of
Treguard (RPG) is available.
Provided By:
Forester, 2004-10-25 19:18:54