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Welcome to the Knightmare Lexicon. This system is designed to be a centre point for any Knightmare related information. You may think of it as a Knightmare Encyclopædia or Dictionary. Though in many ways it is more like a Knightmare wiki in that people with an interest in Knightmare like yourself may add entries to the database for others to find. Likewise if there's a piece of information you're looking for on Knightmare then in thef future it's very likely you'll be able to find it here. For the system to be a success it relies on each and every member of the community providing as much information as possible. Enjoy! logins.

Entry of the Day - Knightmare Comic
1. Knightmare Comic
A somewhat infamous comic strip by Adam Battersby, which lasted two 'episodes' in installments published in 2000 and 2001. The comic is known for extremely basic photo-editing skills (even for the standards of the time) and a plot widely seen as baffling and nonsensical. Officially the title of the project is 'Treguard in A Knightmare on Earth'

In Comic 1 (published 2000), it is revealed that Treguard has been bored in his antechamber for the then-six years since Knightmare has been off the air, and seemingly also decided to dress the way he did in the first series and reset the antechamber to how it originally looked. The whereabouts of Majida are not explained. He has an idea to go see 'the real world'. "Good idea, but how will I get there?" he replies to himself, and decides to use the portal that the watchers use.

However, instead of transporting him into the dungeon of deceit, as happened in every episode of the television series, he suddenly finds himself in the middle of space with a large white matte line around him. In a further twist of events, he then suddenly ages two years along with his entire costume, now in his Series 3 attire. "Woah s**t!" is his characteristic reply. Having then immediately regressed back once again to his Series 1 look, he then for no explained reason finds himself shrunk to miniscule proportions, and able to breathe underwater in a fish tank. The fish is clearly a strong one as he is able to peck through the hair, flesh and bone of Treguard's head, to which in horrible agony he cries "Stop pecking at my bloody head!" before adding a cheery "See ya next time!" as the fish surely is on his way to killing him. The comic ends with a promise that the saga will be continued next week.

Thirty-odd weeks later came part 2. The helpful intro explains that Treguard was able to get out of that 'little mess', and has somehow managed to grow back to normal size and rebuild half of his head digested by the fish (described somberly as the 'fish incident'). He has also recently got a job to earn some money, and in the next panel we quite surprisingly reveal that Treguard runs the 'Life Force Naughty Store'. "Soon I'll have enough funds to pay for my adventures!" he excitedly shouts, and then appears to don a flat cardboard hat and draw white pen around his eye to give the appearance of a monocle. David, the first ever dungeoneer and having aged not a bit in the fourteen years between his quest and the comic's publication, appears not to recognise his former dungeon master and asks him for a sausage roll. Ever faithful to the original series, Treguard replies with his classic catchphrase "Ooh, you jammy bugger" and gives him the original Helmet of Justice.

Talking to one of his 'best customers' (an unidentified young male in an hammock) a letterbox with two eyes appears in the background, claiming to be Morghanna and with Mogdred. Treguard, of course, replies with "Oh shit!" and calls Hammock Man a "dickhead". Suddenly another unidentified man, this time bald and bearded, cries out in pain, revealing that Morghanna has inexplicably 'aggrevatteed' his piles. In one further twist, an off-screen voice calls out to Treguard and he finds himself in front of a blue and white rectangle behind a two-tone green background. "I've gotta tell somebody about all this!!" he exclaims. No indication of any future parts is included on the final panel.

And sadly this is believed to be all that Adam Battersby wrote. His fans have waited over ten years for some sort of continuation, and unless it's some kind of 3D HD five-hour epic movie, it is generally thought that it will never happen. Treguard's predicament, and the fate of the 'Life Force Naughty Store' remains in temporal disruption.

However, one fan briefly attempted to continue the story in part. In December 2004, Billy Hicks created his own 'Part Three' to the story in absense of any official one. Matching the memorable art style of the originals, we see that Treguard has gone to 'teh RPG' to tell someone about Mogdred and Morghanna. However, the two villains get there first, and Mogdred chillingly tells Treguard 'ha ha ha ur gonna die'. To date (2011), this is the only strip Billy has written, despite again a promise to be continued (or in this case, 'inued') next week. Lol.

Adam Battersby's original two parts can be viewed here. Billy Hicks's third part can be viewed here.

Provided By: Billy, 2011-05-31 01:07:56
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