Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Series 8 links
The purpose of this entry is not to give details of Knightmare Series 8 itself, but to provide links to the Lexicon entries offering particular information about aspects of Series 8.

Actors: Mark Knight, Jackie Sawiris, Cliff Barry

Contestants: David

Teams: Team 1 of Series 8, Team 2 of Series 8, Team 3 of Series 8, Team 4 of Series 8, Team 5 of Series 8, Team 6 of Series 8, Team 7 of Series 8

Characters: Treguard, Lord Fear, Miremen, miretrog, skeletron, cat, dwarf, Majida, Lissard, Stiletta, snapdragon, Smirkenorff the dragon, Hordriss ("Malefact"), Sidriss, Bimboid, Motley, Maldame ("Spite", "Iron Maiden"), Rothberry, Raptor, Brother Strange, goblin, Honesty Bartram, Snapper-Jack, Bhal-Shebah, hobgoblin

Clue objects: ACME self operating danger horn, bauble, beryl, lantern, reach wand, pills, Power To Rule, Brain Pills, potion, Fearsome Potion, Sight, Invisibility, Trapdoor, Risky, Fireball Brandy, fast potion, Beauty, flying potion, onion, silver, divining rod, horn, key, spanner

Locations: Dungeon, Marblehead, Great Mire, Golden Galleon, Sewers of Goth, Corridor of Blades, Fireball Alley, Mendacity Engine/sliding floor chamber, London, Reach For Runes, Raining Fireballs, trapdoor, Play Your Cards Right, Quest Room
 [Related Image] Spells: SHADE, SPEED, FLOAT, KNOT, FILLET, SAVANT, Reveal Hidden spell, CREEP, BURST

Miscellaneous: Monopoly, Life Force, cake, Friday, pooh, Janet and John, penguin, bauble

PREVIOUS: Series 7 links
NEXT: Knightmare VR links

Provided By: David, 2017-05-05 21:21:22
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