![[Related Image]](/components/com_legacy/code/images/lexicon/cache/www.knightmare.com/series/5/199.jpg)
White horse belonging to
Sir Hugh de Wittless in
Series 5. Describing Neddy affectionately as a "dashed fine steed", Hugh often rode in on him for one of his rescue missions, only to let the horse wander off while he dealt with whoever he'd encountered.
The real name (and gender) of the horse who played Neddy is unknown. Its rider reportedly was a stuntman, rather than
Mark Knight. The horse seen in the background in
Wolfenden during Quest 1 of Series 5 may or may not have been Neddy. At the 2014
Knightmare Convention,
Tim Child revealed that the horse, while being taken out of the TV studios, urinated copiously in the lift.
The Quest, Issue 4-2 featured Neddy by name in the final edition of the fanzine's regular comic strip, Smirk With
Smirkenorff by Arlo Wörts:
(And now for some pointless musings. Had Neddy been female:
She would have been a veritable knight's mare;
Her name would have had a tenuous connection to British royalty, but only via The Simpsons. That show features a character called Ned Flanders; King Henry VIII once described his prospective fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, as a 'Flanders mare'; 'Neddy the mare' would complete the link. The entry on
Mistress Goody points out another connection between Knightmare and The Simpsons.)
[Earlier versions: 2010-08-14 22:40:50, 2006-03-12 17:52:56]
Provided By:
David, 2014-05-31 20:38:40