Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Buggane
 [Related Image] One of two oracles who are featured in Activision's Knightmare computer game of 1987. Described in the instrucion manual as a 'bad oracle [who] will do everything it can to throw the knight into certain danger, and death', Buggane appears in the top right corner of the screen, and his unfriendly advice - both requested and unprompted - includes:

'Perhaps you need your eyes tested ha ha ha'

'Pheasant meal you waste your time'

'Your downfall is my fulfillment'

'Ha ha ha it is you that shall hurt most' [when the player attempts to hit a door]

Buggane, then, is far less kindly than his counterpart Runius, but also less cryptic than an Oracle of Confusion.

In the mythology of the Isle of Man (SEE: triskelion), a buggane is an ogrish troglodyte, of huge stature and magical nature.

[Earlier version: 2009-03-08 15:30:07]

Provided By: David, 2011-11-11 19:36:35
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