Interactive Knightmare
Interactive Knightmare
Name Ruke
Age There's always a motive behind those sorts of questions
Race Half-feline, half human
Homeplace Wherever I choose
Nicknames 'Kitty-Kat', but the last person who called me that found the sharp end of my claws.
Quotes 'I won't go on if I'm clawing you'

Who Are You?
Half feline, half human

Am I Safe To Have Supper With You?
That all depends on who pays, and what you intend to do afterwards

Character Background
Before you ask; yes, my tail is real and no, you may not pull at it. My reputation tends to differ somewhat, among people, but that's not such a bad thing. Is it?
I can usually be found beside my ever so faithful (when he wants to be) Lucifer, as well as Isárion, but let it be known that I am not to be found with the likes of Morgaine or Ghutlar. Such forms of being do make me wonder when equal rights for the seriously disfigured will be put into action, but until then we can only hope.
If you do ever happen to bump into me, then I suggest that you keep in mind that I have an extremely low level of tolerance towards stupidity and foolish behaviour.