Interactive Knightmare
Interactive Knightmare
Name Robin
Age 25
Race Human
Homeplace The Forest
Nicknames I don't have any! How dare you even imply that?!
Quotes "Tally-ho!", "I'm Robin!", and "Hyaaaaaargh!" (while swinging my sword, of course!)

Who Are You?
I'm Robin, protector of the good, survivor of the forests and fighter for the Powers That Be. I'm a supreme swordsman and know the upper levels like the back of my hand, so yes, I'm pretty useful to have around!

Am I Safe To Have Supper With You?
Yes, as long as you're pure of heart and deed, don't challenge me to a duel, and don't bring any bats. I hate bats!

Character Background
You know my history. I was once a Lord, Robert of Loxeley to be precise, but was cast out and became an outlaw. For some reason I've now found myself stuck in the Knightmare Dungeons. Still, that's a good thing for me, because being allied to the Powers That be lets me use my skills to their full potential! Evil beware!