Interactive Knightmare
Interactive Knightmare
Name Kully
Age Trust me, I'm younger than I look! ...humans age faster than elves? Oh. I don't know then.
Race Elvish
Homeplace I move around quite a bit - anywhere from castles that will take me in to nearby and faraway forests.
Nicknames Kully, and a few more things which tend to be quite rude.
Quotes "Eep!" "I can help you!" "I don't know..." "Oops!"

Who Are You?
Wood Elf

Am I Safe To Have Supper With You?
Errr, if you like eating shrubs? Meat is ok I suppose, but not elf meat. Or human. Yuck.

Character Background
Crikey (ha! I learnt that word from Frégo)! Where do I start? Erm...well all you need to know is that I turned up at Knightmare Castle one night after I was sent by my elders to help Treguard. Problems there between me and Frégo, and at the end of the season...well, lets just say I ended up in the dungeon. What happened there? Ha! I get chased for an entire...well, I don't know how long it was but I was miffed, I can tell you! Anyway, I'm safe now, and you'll be seeing a bit more of me. I'm always around, somewhere. *grins*